The Maritime and Labour Convention aims to achieve worldwide protection for all seafarers by providing global standards applicable to the entire maritime industry. It is estimated that there are over 1.2 million people working at sea and whilst the convention was not written with the yachting industry in mind, commercial yachts fall under the umbrella of the convention which explains why yacht crew agencies are taking the matter very seriously.

From a very early stage, YPI Crew took an active interest in the development of the convention that was to become one of the biggest milestones in luxury yachting. "We could see that once in place, the MLC 2006 was going to affect the lives of yacht crew worldwide," explains Laurence. "I wanted to make sure YPI Crew was a major part of it from the start and every year since 2008 we attended conferences and seminars including those given by the Lloyds Maritime Academy in London and, indeed here in France, where we attended an MLC 2006 conference chaired by the director of the International Labour Standards Department, Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry. We've been involved in exchanges at the very highest level."
High standards
With two YPI Crew recruiters completing an intensive two-day Laurence's aim has been to ensure every member of the team is trained to the highest standard on the MLC. know where they stand on all important employment elements. The convention has set down a basic framework allowing for an honest transparency between all parties. I believe that will a direct effect on how well the yachts are run and indeed on the quality of charter service offered." But what exactly are the advantages for owners and captains in using an MLC 2006 accredited yacht crew recruitment agency such as YPI Crew? "It can help speed up a Flag State or Port State Control inspection," explains Laurence. "The use placement agency is one of the 14 points which are subject to that the crew agency is operated in an orderly fashion."
Be prepared
Of course, YPI Crew, as with any quality agency, has not been waiting for the MLC 2006 to introduce best practice however Laurence agrees recruitment procedures have tightened. "When our YPI Crew recruiters' handbook has become the blueprint for daily operations today.
The convention will come into force in August 2013 and preparations at all levels in the yachting industry are gaining momentum as time is ticking. The convention can be downloaded from
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